Wednesday, October 28, 2009

ain't no party like a ________ party!

street light
high school
crazy sexy cool
high heel
dress up
tea and book club
infinite playlist
on going, day and night
beautiful night

my feet won't touch the ground
I love living my life in technicolour ii! chris martin! the boys!
I also love the Yelle song who's that girl (obvi in il francese)
applying for more work to travel and globetrot!
skyping a missed friend and chatting dailies!


xxoo from Devon!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

sea of love

a blog dedicated solely to love: things I love:

biking rides on sunny days
good hair days on crummy days
kisses when I'm feeling affectionate
hugs when I'm blue
windows down, wild hair
blasted music in a parking lot
fancy dresses on a cool fall night
bright lipstick and smooches
auburn/green eyes in the light
taking care of those who need you, but don't ask you to
loving love and loving friends
loving family unconditionally
nights that never end
baggy clothes of others
photos with memories
burrowing in a comforter when sleepy+cold
knowing others feel the same
getting off airplanes after long rides
weekends after long+tiresome weeks
understanding without words
poems from the heart
songs from the soul
italian, spanish, french, CULTURE, National Geographic
carving a path on your own
looking forward to where you're going
making lists like this
remembering what is most important

the end, for now
always loving new things
"i love the unknown" by Clem Snide
