New Terrain by Mew
I bought their newest album today, and I am 110% blown away. I've listened to it through, atleast three or four times. It's so good, I cannot believe myself. Please listen to it, if you like inspirational music, seriously. So much has happened in my life, that's why I never blog anymore. Plus, I doubt anyone actually reads this; if so, thank you! I just need to lay my thoughts to rest somewhere, whichever ones they may be. I've come to realize exactly what I want to do in my life. It's called being ME. Cliche, I know. But things are always changing, so how does one keep their identity? The new project: attain the mind and persona I love and can be proud of, and keep it through all the tosses of life. Fascinating? I think so. There's just so much to do with it... Philosophy, photography, art history, creative writing, radio, poetry, travel writing, ETC. I could be happy in so many places, truely. And WORLD RELIGIONS AND SOCIOLOGY. Schools? East coast city please. Bored to Death with my favorite, Jason Schwartzman, premiers NOW. I'll get back at you later, the phone rings.

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