Thursday, May 21, 2009

I guess there's always hope that someplace will be serving after hours

pst, time means nothing. Tis almost the weekend, the glorious three day-er. I am going to a lake house and i simply cannot wait! it will be beautiful: bracelet making, mojitos, twilight, stupid girly crafting, sangria, water? i don't believe that you can beat that dear friend. please try and i will let you know if you're is better! current i have catcher in the rye homework to catch up on, so peace for now, but i wanted to post a little poem that means alot to me. PS that research paper i told you all about? i got a 95.5% i am quite, quite pleased! I am so very relaxed right now that i don't want to go anywhere, but i have alot of shit to do before the glorious weekend. here are a few of my words in prose format:

I feel like
I am growing
but still
very very
the roots are planted,
the leaves are budding,
the roses are visible
however the rose is still quite ripe
maybe a daisy could take it's place
or a tulip
the given moment possesses
the moment-by-moment
is how i choose to live

Black rose pattern

So that leaves
may change so suddenly
and grow into something
more beautiful
more new, fresh, covered in dew
but also
it will have it's other days too

The beauty of it is the quantity of change
so bitter and sweet
so samsara swirling
into infinity
never ending,
but always bettering
into a new and exciting life.

Buddhism anyone?

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